Plastics Chemical Causes Heart Disease

The chemical found in plastic food and drink containers causes heart disease, researchers have confirmed. Traces of the chemical, BPA (Biphenol A), are detectable in 90 per cent of people. The link to heart disease has been established by researchers from the Peninsula Medical School at the University of Exeter, who studied BPA levels in a large US population study over a three-year period. The study provides further ammunition to those campaigning for a complete ban of the chemical. Several countries have banned the chemical in baby feeding bottles and toys after concerns that it posed a health risk to infants. But the chemicals industry is likely to fight a complete ban. It is one of the most highly-produced chemicals in the world, with over 2.2 million tonnes (6.4 billion pounds) manufactured every year. (Source: PLos ONE, 2010; 5: e867
Editor’s note

Bisphenol A is found found in both plastic containers and lining of most cans. BPA is essentially a synthetic estrogen that enters the body when one consumes food or beverages out of plastic or plastic-lined containers.

This is not only harmful to the male reproductive system, but has been found to also stimulate breast cancer growth in women. Knowing this, it should be of no surprise that the sperm count of the average Western male is on a steady decline as many males are becoming more and more feminine. What most people don’t know is that Bisphenol A was actually considered as the form of estrogen to be used in estrogen pills going back to the 1930s.

Watch Fox News Report on BPA below:
The Second Video is a more in depth interview with Dr. Frederick vom Saal who has been the whistle blower on BPA safety.

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