Children that take a Multi Do Better on Test

Ty 1Children who took Vitamin Supplementation Performed Better on Tests It was found that those children who were given the vitamin supplementation performed more accurately on two tests of attention. Interestingly, researchers noted that there were first signs of improvement only after three hours following the first dose on the first day. The improvement in attention continued throughout the entire twelve-week study. There was no appreciable change in mood. The authors concluded that the results would seem to suggest that vitamin/mineral supplementation has the potential to improve brain function in healthy children. Recently a related study2 was published in the September 2008 edition of the British Journal of Nutrition on the effect of micro-nutrients on cognitive function in children. Conducted in Kenya, the study analyzed the intake of certain nutrients including iron, zinc, B12, and riboflavin. After controlling for other factors, such as socio-economic status, etc., it was found that these micro-nutrients were associated with significantly higher gains in cognitive functioning. The authors of the study indicated that this analysis demonstrates the influence of improved dietary micro-nutrients in school children’s cognitive functioning.

Buyer beware of buying children’s vitamins. Here is a listing of some of the ones on the market that contain lead. Click Here to view list. Some may argue that this is still considered a safe level, however, I am not sure any amount of lead is safe for the human body.

Shaklee Corporation, the number one Natural Vitamins in the United States goes to extra lengths in testing from raw materials to finished product. They have an exceptional Children’s Vitamin called Incredibites.

Shaklee does 350 tests on every single new botanical ingredient for heavy metals, pesticides, or any of hundreds of other harmful contaminants. And we continue to conduct over 80,000quality tests annually to guarantee the purity and safety of each and every product.

OurĀ  18th month old grandson Ty shown in the picture has been on Vitamins starting in Utero. He loves the Shaklee Baby MultiVitamin and MultiMineral with probiotics and the Shaklee DHA product Mighty Smart for Growing Brains.

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