Wheat May Not Be the Staff of Life for Some

Why YOU May Want to Cut Wheat From Your Diet

Several months ago I decided to go to Dr. Brouse who is a Physician Chiropractor, Clinical nutritionist and biochemist because I had been under extreme stress for many years and went to Dr. Brouse to help me diagnose my adrenal fatigue and put me on a supportive nutritional program.  However, the results of going through several diagnostic test through his clinic yielded some unexpected information that helped improve my health.

I discovered that I could not digest wheat and it was causing inflammation even through the urinary tract. When one has adrenal fatigue food allergies are not uncommon however, many people do suffer from gluten sensitivity even if you don’t have Celiac’s disease or adrenal fatigue.

It was amazing, after a couple of weeks by just removing gluten from my diet I shed 10 lbs. Now I cannot guarantee the same thing will happen to everyone but if you are having some issues with bloating or indigestion then certainly food allergies can be an issue.

gluten-celliacs disease-ibs-allergiesThe following information may help you shed pounds .If you have Celiac Disease, you’re already skipping wheat. Even if you don’t have Celiac Disease, here’s why you may want to consider a  Resolution to shift away from wheat:

  • Wheat is a pro-inflammatory agent. It can cause a rapid insulin rise and can make joints ache.
  • When you eat wheat, you can set yourself up for leaky gut syndrome and create autoimmune reactions.
  • Refined wheat has little nutritional value. You don’t get much out of it except excess carbs.
  • You may be one out of each hundred people who has gluten sensitivity, or Celiac Disease, AND NOT KNOW IT.

There are ways to bake and cook without wheat or gluten. I’ll share some of them in a future newsletter or article if enough people tell me they’d like to know more.

ALCAT Testing

A high percentage of health issues have their origin in the neglected area of food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances.

ALCAT blood testing can now show us:

  • Why some of us can eat and exercise with true discipline, but never lose weight.
  • Why acne, eczema, and other skin conditions can seem impossible to clear up.
  • Why many people haven’t gotten better from migraines, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, asthma and respiratory problems (including inhalant allergies), weight gain and obesity, arthritis and more.

Find out which foods trigger inflammatory reactions in YOUR body, and you may experience a miracle yourself. Trial and error method? Why, when you can know for sure?

If you are interested in having any test done you can contact Dr. Richard Brouse’s  office at 503-654-3225.

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