Do Antidepressants Really Work?

According to the latest research antidepressants are not beterthan  taking a sugar coated tablet
placebo…and the user could  save themselves up to $2,500. A year.   A new report from the  New England Journal,          show that 74 studies – between 1987 and 2004 – done on 12 antidepressants approved by the FDA were never published. Let me repeat that again, None of the 74 studies were ever published!

Guess why they were never published? Because ALL  74 studies showed the drugs did nothing more  than a sugar pill. And another 11 studies with negative findings were falsely published as if they were positive. Trials for Effexor, Paxil, Prozac, and Serzone showed the medications had the same effect as a placebo.

Another recent article in  The Week magazine confirmed the placebo effect only of antidepressants: The
positive effects people say they get from antidepressants is nothing more than the “placebo effect.”

Several studies conclude that 50%-75% of the drug’s power comes from the placebo effect. And the placebo effect is powerful… But that’s no reason to ingest potent psychoactive drugs.

If you suffer from depression, there are healthier and safer alternatives. Try exercises like tai chi or yoga – both of which have been shown to effectively combat depression. You could even take a few minutes out of your day to meditate or go for a walk in the sun.  It has been shown that Essential fatty acids such fish oil as in Shaklee Omega guard is important for the brain as well as plenty of water. You might also add increase the amount of magnesium  in your diet or consider taking a daily magnesium supplement. There is good evidence magnesium helps with mood, energy, and mental stability.


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