Are Your Cleaning Products Making You Sick?

household chemicalsMost homes contain more chemicals than what the average chemistry lab had at the turn of the century. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has sited regular household cleaning products are some of the most dangerous products in our homes today.

I challenge you just reach under your kitchen sink and bathroom and see what types of cleaning and personal care supplies are lurking there. Have you found Windex or other window cleaners? Bleach or laundry and dish washing detergent. All of these products can be violent, lethal poisons with the potential to serisously inure your child or make an adult sick.

Below is an eye opening video that states the facts about Children’s Health and toxic chemicals in the home.

You say well those green products really don’t work…What if I told you that there are some Green cleaning Products that not only work but out perform many of the leading brands? Or another excuse these products are too expensive. Okay even if they were which many are not…What is your family’s health worth? I can actually show you that Shaklee’s Get Clean Products are not only more effective but cost less than what you are spending at the grocery store.

So why are these lethal products in you or home at all? Probably you don’t realize how dangerous they are. Yet more children under four die of accidental posionings at home than are accidently killed with a gun!

Please watch the video, look at the Get Clean Cost Comparison 2009MN and for your family’s sake purchase Shaklee Get Clean products. They are 100% guaranteed!  You can find them HERE You have nothing to loose but a lot to gain…a clean, healthy and safe home for you and your family.

Hear about the amazing efficacy of Get Clean Products, endorsements and explanations from researchers and doctors. Also contains in-depth information on the harmful effects of common household cleaners on family health and the environment. Click here

Some Other Interesting Facts

* Chlorine is the chemical most frequently involved in household poisonings in the U.S. Using chlorine, may cause reproductive, endocrine and immune disorders.
For more info:

* Bisphenol A, found in some infant formulas, is a synthetic estrogen used to harden plastics, among other uses. It has been widely publized to be used in the manufacturing of personal use water bottles.
For more info:

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