Is Taking Asprin Safe & Effective in Preventing Heart Attacks?

You may have heard that taking a baby Aspirin a day  is suppose to be a preventative for heart attacks?  Many American pop Aspirin just like it is a vitamin.After all does your body have an aspirin shortage? Of course not! Taking an aspirin a day is simply medical folklore. You have been conned by the  pharmaceutical industry.  A British study using ONLY aspirin revealed that aspirin had absolutely nothing to do with lowering the incidence of heart attacks.

Tue much promoted Physician Health Study proving aspirin taken regularly will proven heart attacks didn’t just use aspirin in the sttdy. They used aspirin PLUS Magnesium in the form of Buffrin.

The truth is Magnesium does protect your heart. Magnesium dilates blood vessels, aids in absorption of potassium into the cells (that prevents heart beat irregularities), as as an anti-coagulant (blood thinner) and keeps the blood cells from sticking together.

If an autoopsy was done after an heart attack it would real that the heart muscle is deficient in magnesium. Magnesium tend to relax muscles. In fact if anyone you know goes to the hospital for a heart attack it is best to have magnesium administered.

New York Times article said The magnesium injections also reduced by 25 percent the incidence of heart failure among patients during their stay in a coronary care unit after a heart attack,

Here is a link to a New York Times article

Not only does aspirin NOT work but Aspirin-users were more likely to develop kidney and colon cancer….and of course taking an aspirin caused bleeding ulcers with possible hemorrhage and higher   incidence of ischemic heart disease…this involves blockage of arteries carrying blood to the heart..a hemorrhagic stroke.

Here are some natural ways to prevent an heart attack:

Magnesium- Shaklee’s Vital Mag formula allows you to get the magnesium without the common side effects of diarrhea as with other magnesium formulas.

Fish oil  (Shaklee Omegaguard offers a pure form of fish oil without the contaminants

B complex provides lower homocysteine levels

Shaklee Vivix proven to reduce inflammation. In fact Shaklee just completed a published study on inflammation and Vivix. Here is the link to the study.

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