Why Magnesium is Important for Your Health

Magnesium therapy is helpful for a wide range of conditions including:

  • High blood pressure and heart disease…In studies Magnesium has been shown to improve energy production within the heart, dilate the coronary arteries (improving oxygen delivery to the heart), reduce vascular pressure, prevent blood clotting, and improve heart rate.
  • PMS…Magnesium deficiency is strongly implicated in PMS. Symptoms like abdominal bloating, breast pain, headaches, fatigue, fluid retention, mood swings, insomnia and anxiety are all symptoms of magnesium deficiency and PMS! Furthermore, cellular magnesium levels in women with PMS have been found to be significantly lower than in women who do not suffer PMS.
  • Asthma…Magnesium promotes relaxation of the bronchial smooth muscle. Intravenous magnesium is a clinically accepted method to halt acute asthma attacks, as it helps immediately dilate the bronchial tube. A recent study showed low levels of magnesium in the body may be directly associated with ‘bronchial hyperactivity’, thus susceptibility to asthma attacks.
  • Kidney stones…Magnesium prevents calcium crystallizing in the kidneys to create kidney stones.
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome… Many patients with chronic fatigue have low red blood cell magnesium levels. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in England, 32 CFS patients received either magnesium or placebo over 6 weeks. Out of the 15 magnesium patients, 12 reported significantly improved energy levels and better emotional state at the end of the trial, compared with only 3 of the 17 placebo patients.
  • Some practitioners believe that magnesium may also help alleviate anxiety, depression and hyperactivity. This is all good news. Is there bad news? Yes. Research has shown that 80% of all Americans do not get a sufficient amount of magnesium in their diet.

Processing food removes magnesium from its usual sources, and even softening water decreases the magnesium in our diets. Certain diseases like alcoholism, kidney malfunction, chronic diarrhea, and arteriosclerosis can affect magnesium levels in an adverse way. Some prescription hormones like hormone replacement therapy or birth-control pills can upset metabolism and cause a deficiency. When you feel the need to increase your intake of magnesium, a reliable source is Shaklee VitalMag™. This product is formulated to be taken on its own or added to a regimen of Shaklee nutritional supplement.

by Rusty Ost Natural Pharmacist

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