Genetically Modified Foods can Wreck your Health

I honestly do not know why more Americans are not protesting about Genetically modified foods. Only now are millions of Americans waking up to the fact that an approximately seventy-five percent of our processed foods contain some form of genetically modified (GM) ingredients according to the Center for Food Safety.

Many consumers don’t understand the process used to develop these GM foods that have been deemed “substantially equivalent” to other foods by executive order, and therefore bypassed very little regulation to the public without their knowledge or consent. So as we say in Texas…They pulled the shuck over your eyes when you weren’t looking.

gmocornTo read about GMO foods is like reading a Sci Fi mystery or one of John Grisham’s books. The process behind genetically modified food involves a careful re-configuration of genes combining e-coli bacteria, soil bacteria and the cauliflower mosaic virus that causes tumors in plants. They add an antibiotic and then artificially force it into plant cells with a gene invasion technique. All this is so farmers can douse nearly unlimited amounts of Roundup Herbicide on the crops so the plants won’t die as they drown them in their Roundup herbicide. I don’t know about you but the thought of this makes me want to go a water fast…pure water fast.

Who is the company behind all these Franken seeds? It is Monsanto,  one of those companies that you just love to hate.  Monsanto created wonderful products such as Agent Orange used to defoliate dense undergrowth during the Vietnam war. Soldiers now suffer many health issues from AO. Then there is Posilac, the controversial hormone to increase milk supply and one that make cows’ udders hurt, and could cause pus to get into your milk. Let’s not forget Aspartame and many other not so great products they have given the consumer.

Monsanto owns the  majority of the world’s seeds. Monsanto’s patented genes are inserted into roughly 95 percent of soybeans and 80 percent of corn crops grown in the US. Makes you want to think twice reaching for the corn chips.

Neirl Hari, agricultural economist from Iowa State University states:

We now believe that Monsanto has control over as much as 90 percent of (seed genetics). This level of control is almost unbelievable,” “The upshot of that is that it’s tightening Monsanto’s control, and makes it possible for them to increase their prices long term. And we’ve seen this happening the last five years, and the end is not in sight.”

Seed prices are only one of the issues. The big issues are what is what is Monsanto’s  FRANKEN Science doing to our health and our environment?

You might ask how is that possible if I just buy certified organic food. Have you ever tried to put a genie back in the bottle? Impossible. That is the way it is with Monsanto’s GMO Roundup ready terminator seeds do. They are spread to near by crops via insects, birds, and the wind into neighboring fields.  Pollen from genetically modified crops ends up cross-pollinating with natural crops and wild relatives.  In fact, once a strain of genetically modified crops becomes widespread enough, the natural strains can actually be bred into extinction.

GMO food can wreck your health.

There are many natural health experts that claim that there is growing evidence that GMO foods are linked to many diseases and illnesses such as food allergies, intestinal damage, autoimmune disorders, anemia, diabetes, infertility and even cancer.

It is sometimes frightening to think that large corporations control our food supply that can have some negative connotations for those who dare questions the safety of these GMO foods. Many independent scientist have been harrased, threatened and even fired.

Yesterday March 3rd, 2010 was the last day to voice your complaint about Monsanteo lifting the band of GMO Alfalfa seed. GMO Alfalfa will affect the nation’s milk supply. All of the GMO alfalfa will have glyphosate or Round UP. At this point it will be virtually impossible to guarantee a mother that her baby is not receiving milk produced from GMO forage.,,nearly all which will be sprayed with Round Up before harvest.

Soybeans and Corn are not physically sprayed like Alfalfa. Because the entire alfalfa plant is utilized for feed the potential contaminants both genetically in the plant and also the potential residual effects of the glyphosate chemistry on the plant itself. This puts our nation’s milk supply at extreme risk for contamination.

Frankly I feel like I have been made a participant in this horrible biological experiment. I really don’t like artic flounder genes in my tomatoes especially when we don’t know how this horrible experiment will end.

This short video will show you how GMO seeds are engineered:

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