Heart Burn Meds May Actually Make Your Symptoms Worse

Every day more than 70 Million people suffer from digestive issues which hinder their quality of life. the pharmaceutical giants, which make Prilosec, Nexium, Prilosec OTC, wants to put a monkey on your back.

Dr. Eisenstein, M.D. Natural Family Doctor reports:

PrilosecOnce you are on any of the PPI’s (Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosac etc.) getting off is very difficult. Even though the drug companies, in their package inserts, say “to be used only for 6 to 12 weeks”, once on them most people continue to take them. Many people have been on Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosac etc. for years. In plain English PPI’s, Nexium, Prevacid, etc. actually cause rebound heartburn. That is why it is so hard to discontinue their use.

Do you know that PPI’s can cause an increased incidence of:

1. Osteoporosis
2. Pneumonia
3. Anemia
4. Heart attacks
5. And more

Professional Medical Journals such as the Journal of Gastrenterology,  are reporting the side effects of Proton Pump Inhibitors

Evidence That Proton-Pump Inhibitor Therapy Induces the Symptoms it Is Used to Treat

Journal of Gastrenterolgy, July 2009

(Vol. 137, Issue 1, Pages 80-87)

Since their clinical launch 25 years ago, the use of proton-pump inhibitors has increased progressively with approximately 5% of the developed world now receiving such treatment.

In the Journal of Gastroenterology Reimer et al suggest that the drugs themselves may be causing or aggravating the disease process they are used to treat.

Forty-four percent of previously asymptomatic subjects experienced clinically significant heartburn, acid reflux, or dyspepsia after discontinuing a 2-month course of esomeprazole  40 mg/d (Nexium)compared with 15% after placebo. The authors propose that this is a clinical manifestation of the rebound acid hypersecretion arising from the trophic effects of the proton-pump inhibitor-induced hypergastrinemia on the oxyntic mucosa.

Acid Reducing Drugs are Associate with a 30% increase of pneumonia

Studies also show the use of acid-reducing drugs was associated with a 30% increased risk for developing pneumonia in a newly reported study.

Would You Like to Know How to Deal with Acid Reflux Naturally and Improve Your Digestion? Read More

2 thoughts on “Heart Burn Meds May Actually Make Your Symptoms Worse

  1. Dave says:

    Great info! I think any heartburn medication should only be used for temporary symptom relief and only used very sparingly.

    These problems always comes back to your diet.

  2. Caroline says:

    Dear David, yes heart burn medication should only be use sparingly. But remember, that if you take care of stress, and clean up the diet and use a pre and probiotic like Shaklee Optiflora and perhaps a digestive enzyme like EZ Gest then you may eliminate the need for heart burn meds completely.

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