Beware of Zicam Products for Colds

ZiCam product warningZicam along with Cold Ease has had a number of lawsuits due to alleged damage to olfactory sensory nerves which dealt with the spray and gel application of the products.

No part of the settlement targeted the product’s removal from sale, and the nasal gel continues to be available at drug stores throughout the USA.

You put zinc on the olfactory receptor and you
effectively kill the receptor. It’s like pouring acid on an open wound.”
Terence Davidson, M.D. Director, University of California Nasal Dysfunction Clinic

There have been complaints of Zicam users who have completely lost their ability to smell.

Zinc has been shown to increase wound healing, but the use of it directlyinto the nasal cavity seems to have side effects. Checking your zinc levels through a blood test would be the first step in assisting your body’s healing ability. High-protein foods contain high amounts of zinc. Beef, pork, and lamb contain more zinc than fish, and the dark meat of a chicken has more zinc than white meat.

Shaklee Vita Lea multi vitamin also contains 15 mg per serving and offers other sources of zinc if warranted.

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