Is Soy Good for You? That Depends

Modern food industry has created more and more processed, refined, chemically altered, instant products that contain soy but in an extremely altered, unhealthy state.These products contain virtually none of the original benefits of the soybean and many of the detrimental effects common in overly processed, chemically altered foodstuffs.
For example soymilk, soy cheese, tofu products. (Even though you may go to a health food store caution must be taken with any foodstuff is overly processed, or in an unnatural state.

One day I picked up some Morning Star Chipolte Bean Burgers and had to return them because they listed Textured Vegetable Protein in the ingredients. Don’t assume that it is healthy because it comes from a health food store.

soy-is soy good for you-shaklee soy protein, soy drinksOne must examine the source of Soybeans. Soybeans are one of the top 5 most genetically modified crops, leading to numerous concerns. Use of fertilizers, pesticides, etc. is another concern.
BOTTOM LINE: The soybean is nutrient and protein-rich. Quality control and processing methods make ALL the difference.

So what should one look for in quality Soy products?

There are a couple of important things to look for in a Soy Product that makes it a great health alternative for protein.
The Raw Ingredients

One must examine the source of Soybeans. Soybeans are one of the top 5 most genetically modified crops, leading to numerous concerns. Use of fertilizers, pesticides, etc. is another concern.

  • Shaklee, the number 1 Natural Supplement Co. in the United States uses Non GMO soybeans and uses an identity-preserved program (IPP) most reliable to insure their soy protein remains non-GMO from seed to manufacturing.

The Manufacturing Process

  • Protein Efficiency Ratio PER shows that Shaklee protein has the highest possible rating (better than milk) with a ratio perfectly matching the human body
  • Shaklee uses a water wash method vs an alcohol method

Other companies use alcohol cleaning the soy flakes in soymilk, soy burgers, powders etc. When alcohol isused then 88% of the isoflavone content is lost.

Whats so great about Isoflavones? Isoflavones are phytoestrogens, meaning natural plant nutrients that mimic the function of human estrogen. Phytoestrogens are beneficial because they can attach to receptor cells rather than Xenoestorgen .

What is Xenoestrogen?Xenoestrogen are found in the body from such products as plastics, fertilizers, and chemical household products and cleaners.

Phytoestrogens are especially desirable as in menopause, osteoporosis and certain cancers.

Common Objections about Soy  You many have heard some of these common objections on soy protein. And for some products that may be true…BUT NOT ALL PRODUCTS.

Q: Does Soy may stunt growth or cause thyroid problems.

Answer: It is known that RAW soy contains an “anti-tyrosine (tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid that is the precursor to thyroid hormone) or “anti-growth” substance, Orientals, who have consumed soy for years cook their soy to deactivate this detrimental substance. Tyrosine deficiency may also cause low blood pressure, low body temperature and restless leg syndrome.

SHAKLEE DIFFERENCE: This detrimental substance is deactivated during Shaklee unique processing Growth thyroid function is not inhibited; pro-goitrogenic factors are removed; tyrosine levels are not affected.

QUESTION: I have heard that soy may actually cause or increase cancer growth (i.e. breast, prostate?)

Answer:Overcooked” soy may, in fact, contain “carcinogenic” compounds. When soy is processed under high temperatures to be sold as TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein) or a meat substitute the over-processing may render it a carcinogen”

SHAKLEE DIFFERENCE: Shaklee’s unique low heat processing keeps the soy in a raw form to preserve the highest level possible of beneficial isoflavones  and other phytochemicals, as well as, the amino acids, both of which are sensitive to heat.This technique ensures that enzymes stay in tact and active adding to products bioavailability and digestibility.

QUESTION: I heard that soy might cause blood cells to clump together.

ANSWER: The Shaklee Difference: Hem agglutinin is removed so blood cells won’t clump. Shaklee Protein is heart Healthy.

QUESTION: WHY DO SOME CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE PRACTIONERS SUGGEST WE STAY AWAY FROM SOY. Especially if we are at risk for or dealing with hormone related cancer?

ANSWER: There is misunderstanding as to the effects of phytoestrogens on cancer cells. Many assume because it is a type of estrogen it must be avoided, but remember it has 1/1000th the strength of human estrogen.

Soy Isoflavones have been shown to:


    • Inhibit the change of normal cells into cancerous cells


    • Act like antioxidants (prevent cancer-causing substances from doing damage


    • Inhibit action of several enzymes know to promote the growth and spread of cancer


    • Block the development of new blood vessels that feed cancers


    • Slow the cell growth of hormone-fed cancers such as breast and prostate


  • Help prevent the spread of cancer to other organ

Here is another study on Soy and Cancer survival READ MORE

Shaklee has been making soy protein for over 50 years. Dr. Shaklee knew as a biochemist the health benefits of soy while realizing the potential detrimental factors. He knew that processing would make all the difference. Shaklee developed a unique method to ensure that the “good Stuff” remains and the “detrimental stuff eliminated.

Shaklee Protein does not contain undesirable chemicals for preservatives rather something called ShakleeGuard-a unique blend of natural antioxidant nutrients (VitaC, Vita E & Rosemary) to ensure full nutrient potency.

ACID vs. Alkaline: Most soy products have an acidic effect on the body, but Shaklee processing has created the only protein source that is alkaline producing int he body.

What about Soy Allergy or Sensitivity? Some people find that Shaklee Soy does not give them the reaction as other soy products because of the processing. HOWEVER: if you have concerns then start very slowly by testing a tiny bit and increasing gradually over many days and weeks.NOTE: AVOID ANY SOY IF YOU ARE ANAPHYLATIC WITH SOY Shaklee produces a Cinch Whey Protein for these people.




6 thoughts on “Is Soy Good for You? That Depends

  1. Marti says:

    Great article. It’s sad that so many people have been mislead by bad information about soy. You have spelled it out clearly that there are some dangerous soy products out there and we, as consumers, must do our own due diligence in our quest for quality products. There are good and safe soy sources out there as well.

    With Shaklee, I know I am safe and don’t have to worry. They have done all the research for me.

  2. Caroline says:

    Marti, as you have commented most people do not understand that not only raw materials are important but it is critical on how the soy is processed that makes all the difference in whether the product is healthful or hurtful. Unfortunately so many “health experts” make a blanket statement and is unfortunately accepted as truth.

    I agree with you, Shaklee has done the science behind their product and offers an excellent soy product with all the health benefits. Thanks for you comments.

  3. Renae says:

    Thanks for helping to clear up so many myths against soy and it’s lack of nutritional value. It’s such a powerful relief to be able to offer safe high quality effective Shaklee soy with so much amazing scientific research and results for protecting our health. I can’t imagine what our life and health would be without it.

    I’m passing this on to educate and enlighten any confusion with family and friends. Thanks again so much!

  4. Caroline says:

    Renae, Shaklee Soy has the same benefits of fermented soy because of the way it is processed. As with fermented soy Shaklee Soy products stops the effect of phytic acid and increases the availability of isoflavones. This creates the “good” bacteria the body needs for healthy digestion, such as lactobacilli and increases the quantity, availability, digestibility and assimilation of nutrients our body’s need.

  5. Frances says:

    What was not addressed was the belief and studies that say soy products are not good for males. Does anyone know about that and Shaklee?

  6. Caroline says:

    Frances please read my blog post titled “Urban Myths about Soy” by Dr. Steven Chaney

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