Lowering Your LDL Naturally

What is the Culprit for Heart Disease?

No doubt most people now have a more sophisticated understanding of cholesterol and recognize the importance not only of the level of total cholesterol but also have an understanding of the clinical relevance of LDL (the bad cholesterol), and HDL (the good cholesterol).

But after closer inspection it is not that simple. Medical knowledge reveals that it is only when LDL is oxidized (a chemical change which may occur as part of normal metabolism) that it becomes much more important with respect to initiating atherosclerosis and allowing its progression. Thus, preventing oxidation of LDL supports the widespread consumption of various antioxidant vitamins.

Garlic-Heart Disease-cholesterol-lowering LDLAt a recent symposium entitled “Garlic As A Supplement” held in Newport Beach, California in November, 1998, Dr. Benjamin Lau, Professor of Microbiology, Immunology, and Surgery at Loma Linda University School of Medicine, presented compelling evidence demonstrating that even short term supplementation of garlic in human subjects had a profound effect with respect to increasing the resistance of LDL cholesterol to oxidation. Garlic has been found effective in reducing total cholesterol, adds further support for the inclusion of garlic in an overall program for reducing cardiovascular risk and risk of atherosclerosis.

Shaklee’s Garlic maintains the active ingredient called allician so you get the benefits of the active aged garlic.

Stay Heart Healthy,


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