Repair Your Cells DNA Damage With These Nutrients

DNA Repair-DNA Mutation-Zinc-Shaklee VivixEvery hour of the day your cells are under attack. Normally, this is okay because your cells have a built-in DNA repair system that fixes any damage. But when your cells are undernourished, they can lose the ability to repair themselves. And that’s bad news.

Part of the reason for the explosion of cancer in modern times is because we’re not repairing our DNA. Our bodies aren’t getting enough of the nutrients we need to make this process work. But you can help protect yourself with a couple of nutrients.

One is a simple mineral. I’m talking about zinc. I just finished reading a new study that shows you can easily prevent — and reverse — this damage to your DNA. An Aug. 2009 study by the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University shows that supplementing with zinc reverses cell damage.

Add this latest finding to zinc’s list of health benefits:

– Heart-health booster

– Essential to your prostate and sexual performance

– Can prevent pneumonia and speed the recovery from colds

– Promotes wound healing.

– Many  people have dangerously low levels of zinc all the time. As many as 40 percent of older people in the U.S. are deficient.

– But it’s easy to get the zinc you need for healthy cells. Zinc is in many foods we eat.

Some good food sources of zinc are:

6 medium oysters provide 76.7 mg zinc

3 cooked beef shanks, cooked offer 8.9 mg zinc

3 oz cooked Alaska king crab gives you 6.5  mg zinc

3 oz cooked pork shoulder provides 4.2 mg zinc

1 roasted chicken leg give 2.7 mg zinc

1 oz dry-roasted cashews, offer 1.6 mg zinc

1 cup low-fat yogurt gives 1.6  mg zinc

Unfortunately, your body can only absorb 15% – 40% of the zinc in food. Relying on food alone means you’re just not getting the minimum amount to prevent deficiency-related disease let alone enough to repair any mutation in your genes.You need to take a supplement.

I like Shaklee’s  Zinc gluconate. It is an easily absorbable and well tolerable form of zinc. Supplementing with 30 mg a day promotes good health and reverse DNA damage and mutation.

Take your zinc supplement 1 hour before your meal or at least 2 hours after your meal. Certain foods can block the absorption of zinc. Stay away from these foods for at least 2 hours after taking zinc: bran and other fiber-rich foods, foods that contain phosphorous such as milk and poultry, and whole grain breads and cereals.

And if you take other mineral supplements, such as copper or iron, space them about 2 hours apart. Zinc can interfere with the absorption of these minerals. To avoid any of these problems, I simply take my zinc supplement before I go to bed.

Store it in a dark place at room temperature.

To Your DNA’s Good Health,

Be Sure to read more in the next post about an exciting nutrients that helps repair DNA damage as well

3 thoughts on “Repair Your Cells DNA Damage With These Nutrients

  1. jose smith says:

    Hi Caroline.. Ive just had two ct scans and ive been reading about the radiation in those scans, and im wanting to know what would be best to repair dna damage whether its now or to prevent cancers later on in life.. Im female 5 foot 6.. weighing 50 kilograms. Im a vegaterian. Thank you.. I look forward to hearing back from you.. The scans where on the kidney and abdomin

  2. Caroline says:

    Hi Jose, Sorry for the delay in the answer. One of the best productsu as mentioned is the Vivix Product from Shaklee Corp. It is proven to repair the DNA. Caroline

  3. gorge says:

    I had a CT scan of my brain. Will it damage my DNA? And how to repair them.
    Thank you

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