Kay, Almost Died from Enviornmental Toxicity

While toxicity may not effect the majority of us to the point of death like the story of Kay, envioronmental toxins have an effect on all of us to some degree. Toxins compromise our own health and our family’s health in a negative way. 

There are obvious ways where toxins come from. Pollution from automobiles ,factories, manufacturing plants GMO food products, artificial food additives colorings flavors preservatives municipal water treatment chemicals, herbicides, synthetic prescription medications including birth control pills, heavy metals, arsenic, radioactive compounds and elements from average cooking storage and food containers, toxins in the air and water find their way to our bodies and cause havoc in our human metabolic system. And the list can goes on.

We are performing  one huge toxicological experiment on ourselves and on our children. Our children have less body mass and are effected even more than adults. One area that we do have control over is the cleaners we use in our own homes. That is why I love Shaklee’s Get Clean line. Not only is it safe and effective but economical as well.

Here is Kay McClellan’s story of how she was near death:

 In 2003, I had a life and death health crisis that the medical establishment was never quiet able to diagnose, let alone treat to my status action. I was given the option of a bone marrow transplant chemo therapy, as well as removing my thymus and my spleen. None of these options suitable for me .

Thankfully, I was introduced to Dr. Richard Brouse; a biochemist, chirpractic physician and certified clinical nutritionist. He believes strongly in Dr. Shaklee’s philosophy and has used all Shaklee products in his practice for over 30 years. My other doctor’s recommendations were because they could not find a single red blood cell. I was told they were dead soon I would be too if I did not quickly take their recommended advice.

Dr. Brouse discovered my red blood cells were not dead, but had in fact, gone to sleep what he believed was either a genetic weakness or environmental toxicity exposure to black mold(I had rigorously owned and operated a cleaning business where I worked in all kinds of uncontrolled environments) . Long story short…through one year of intense supplementation and a strict organic diet, I made a miraculous recovery.

For someone who was supposed to be dead long ago… I’m very happy to be coming up on my 70th birthday, full of energy, vitality and healthier than I’ve ever been, thanks to Shaklee products in Dr. Brouse.

                                                                                                         Mary McLellan

P.S. Be sure to watch this video on cleaning products 



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