Some Vaccines May Contain Antibotics

An interesting article appeared in the New York Times on June 2, 2011 entitled The High Cost of Cheap Meat. The article explained how much antibiotics is a large part of many farming operations. Did you know that 80% of all antibiotics sold in the USA are sold to food-producing animals and fish in small doses? Farmers not only use these low doses of antibiotics in feed to prevent diseases caused by overcrowded conditions of the animals but, antibiotics are given to the animals for faster and greater muscle growth (more meat). I don’t know how many of you have ever seen a commercial chicken farm. These chickens don’t even see real daylight they are on large cement slab buildings with artificial lights that go 24/7 so that they can grow at faster rates.

According to the Union of Concerned Scientists 2001 report “Hogging It! Estimates of Antibiotic Abuse in Livestock,” non-therapeutic antibiotic use had increased by 50 percent since 1985. However, FDA now says factory-farming uses 80 percent of all antibiotics produced by the Big Pharma companies.

Penicillin and tetracycline are commonly used antibiotics fed to animals or used as nontherapeutic dose antibiotics by most of the animal meat- and milk-producing industries. Nontherapeutic doses are fed routinely and in addition to any therapeutic antibiotics that must be supplied for such diseases as mastitis (plugged milk ducts) in dairy cows. Because dairy cows are injected with the genetically modified growth hormone Bovine Somatotropin (bST), which increases milk production, routinely suffer with infected udders and produce more pus in their milk.

And of course if the milk is infected it is labeled as undergrade milk, by states and FDA laws, cannot be sold for human consumption. So franken science leads to many issues when you fool with Mother Nature.

So YEAH New York Times for recommending that it is time for the FDA to stop corporate factory farms from using these antibiotics just to promote animal growth among animals confined in conditions that inherently create disease.

The question is does that go far enough to ban antibiotics in farm production. What about Human Vaccines?

Are you aware that many vaccines—especially those given to infants and toddlers—contain antibiotics? Some vaccines contain more than one antibiotic. The most common antibiotic used in vaccines is Neomycin. Other antibiotics include Amphotericin B, Chlortetracycline, Gentamicin, Polymyxin B, and Streptomycin. To learn which vaccines contain those antibiotics Click on this report and go to Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary (CDC Pink Book) at pages 16-22.

Even though antibiotics have been around for almost 80 years we still do not know if antibiotics in vaccines cause an intensified or prolonged immune response because of their interactions with other vaccine ingredients, e.g., neurotoxin adjuvant like aluminum; mercury in Thimerosal; or 2-Phenoxyethanol (2-PE)

The findings of Dr. Andrew Wakefield was not very welcomed when he published that he had found the same vaccine measles strain in several children’s gastrointestinal analyses.

Antibiotics are recognized as being responsible for drug-resistant microorganisms and, in particular, penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus. That is why we deal with super bugs today that are antibiotic resistant. However, many do not realize that it also kills off the beneficial and essential gut organisms that produce essential nutrients including the B vitamins that are necessary for most enzyme systems to function correctly as well as Vitamin K that prevents hemorrhagic disease in newborns.

We are bombard with antibiotics from

  • Doctors for just about every medical problem.
  • Many vaccines
  • Fed indirectly to us by eating factory farmed meat and milk

Does this overuse of antibiotics change our Immune Response? Today we see many people with over active immune responses and many infant and toddlers whose immune response is over reactive. For example peanut oil was added as an adjuvant to vaccines (and by the way peanut oil it is not listed on the vaccine label) and we also see higher incidence of peanut allergies. Childhood asthma has increased by 75% since 1982

It would certainly take a long comprehensive study to answer some of these questions. And of course I don’t think big Pharma companies would be willing to do these studies since it would not be to their best financial interest.

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