Does Red Rice Yeast Work for Lowering Cholesterol?

Many people who are looking for alternatives to cholesterol lowering medications my see information on such things as red rice yeast. When looking for a natural ingredient Shaklee tested Red Rice Yeast as an ingredient for lowering Cholesterol–the studies that showed this was a great cholesterol lowering ingredient only went for 9 weeks. Shaklee repeated the tests over a 12 week period and found that after the 9th week the cholesterol levels went right back up again. Not a good ingredient–When Shaklee chooses not to use an ingredient there is a specific reason–it does not work.

Shaklee offers products such as Vivix, Cholesterol Lowering Complex and Shaklee OmegaGuard a purified fish oil.
Here is one of several stories of people who started using Shaklee Vivix and lowered their cholesterol. Vivix is a resveratrol product with mixed polyphenols. While it it is categorized as an anti-aging supplement it has many great side effects such as lowering cholesterol for many.

Cholesterol Drops: I just wanted to let you know how my research went on VIVIX and Cholesterol. Well, I haven’t taken any prescription medication for my cholesterol and my blood work came back great! My total Cholesterol dropped by 50 points! I take a teaspoon of VIVIX everyday and 3 gel caps of OmegaGuard plus 2 Vita-Lea Gold vitamins. I was amazed and extremely happy and the best part is I wasn’t even trying to eat well and I got these results. It has inspired me to eat better, now that I believe my numbers would be even better with just a few  small diet changes and a little exercise.

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