Do You Hate Looking Like a Muffin Top?

muffin-top-shaklee Cinch-Healths a ChoiceJust today I was talking with a friend who was talking about her expanding waist line as she has gotten older. I am sure that she is not alone. I have even seen a billboard “Muffin Top”. Now for those of you don’t know what a Muffin Top is let me explain. As someone ages or if you are younger just too many calories the fat gathers around the middle there are things that happen when you put on a pair of jeans. When you snap the jeans at the waistline then the fat spills over and creates the look of a muffin top as it spills over the waist band. You are probably saying oh please spare me from that image.Well okay you got the picture but what can you do about the Muffin Top?

The Houston Chronicle today gave a solution. But,be forewarned the fact may be a bit disappointing if you fall into the postmenopausal category.

In summary the  research indicates that you have to rev up you have to work harder at revving up your metabolism.
“Rev up the treadmill:  sobering new research spells out just senior_on_treadmillhow much exercise women need to keep the flab off as they age…….and it’s a lot! At least an hour of moderate activity a day is needed for older women at a healthy weight who aren’t dieting.  For those who are already overweight – and that’s most American women – even more exercise is called for to avoid gaining weight without eating less,the study results suggest.”

Basically, the study says as women age, if they keep eating the same, they will gain weight without the hour of exercise a day.  Overweight women who eat the same will gain, especially around the middle. Oh please that spells work and sweat.

Here’s another quote:  “The study also indicates that the 2008 guidelines urging about ½ hour of exercise 5 days a week won’t stop weight gain while getting older…without cutting calories.”

So if you are already overweight  and post menoupausal female, you may have to exercise 2 hours a day?  That’s if I keep up the calorie meals and snacks you ate when you were young.
Most of us women know that we need to exercise moderately and eat fewer calories than we did as young women.

The trick is to find good food that is lower in calories.

A good choiceto reduce calories is to find a healthy nutrient dense meal replacement for one of your meals such as  breakfast is the Cinch Shake . Shaklee’s Cinch Shake is the most nutritious fast food.  If you use Cinch another meal you could eat a low glycemic fruit such as grapefruit or berries. You can try grains such as quinoa. You can actually find quiona flakes that cooks quickly in minutes. Quiona is actually an herb not a grain and has one of of the highest protein contents. The quiona flakes are a great substitue especially if you have gluten issues like I do. Or even if you aren’t gluten sensitive it is always a good to rotate your grains. Amaranth is also another good grain that has it is high in protein and fiber. You can add to these cereals a little cinnamon and Shakee Energizing Soy or use the Soy Mix without any sweetener. Even the Energizing Soy is low glycemic so it will not raise your blood sugar. However, if you want to use the Soy Mix without any sweetener then you can add either Stevia or Xylitol. I personally am one of those few people that get headaches with Stevia so I like Xylitol. This sweetener taste more like sugar than any other to me.

Snacks?   Nature made the best snacks……fruit, so easy to take along to work or in the car.  Also…..nuts are great!  I love roasted cashews and almonds!  For emergencies, the Cinch Snack Bars
and Cinch Meal Bars are much better than stopping off to pick up something fast.

Lunch?   Plan, plan, plan ahead.Get a good cookbook and plan out the recipes in advance along with a shopping list!  My current favorite is “Healthy Cooking for 2”.  There are fast and easy recipes with just enough for an evening meal and leftovers for 1 or 2 lunches.  I bought it on Amazon.

Today’s Chronicle had an article stating that most chain restaurants will soon have calories listed next to their meals!
What do you want to bet that portions will get smaller. That may not be a bad thing.

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